

MUS Secretory

Message From Secretory

Dr. Ajit Sawant

My Deepawali  Greetings to all esteem members of Mumbai Urological Society, may this Diwali bring to you and your family joy, health, wealth and prosperity. I am grateful to you all for giving me the opportunity to serve the society as Secretary. Let me say that I enjoyed my first year working for the society and we all council members have tried our best to carry forward the legacy of our society. I thank all my council members for their total support in conducting multiple academic sessions and operative workshops to enhance our knowledge and skills. We are recovering from the COVID pandemic, hence we stared cautiously with online programs and then gradually shifted to physical format of work. All our activates were focused on Urological subspecialties and we received overwhelming response from all our members for which I thank them.

It is my wish and dream that we carried forward the legacy of Mumbai as a hub of excellence in medical field and we will try to bring more such academics oriented activates in coming years.

“Let us all work and grow together for better today and tomorrow of our esteem society”. 


Kind Regards 

Dr. Ajit Sawant